Free Flow Health Wellness Blog
Free Flow Health Wellness Blog *
Perimenopause: The Power of Rest
As we navigate the transformative journey of perimenopause prioritizing sleep and implementing holistic practices, can alleviate the challenges of perimenopause and restore balance within ourselves.
Embracing the Rising of Yang: A Gentle Transition into Summer
With the passing of Spring, nature awakens with a new strength, signaling the arrival of Summer. Seasons hold profound wisdom, teaching us to align with the ever-changing energy that surrounds us. In traditional Chinese philosophy, this shift is marked by the rising yang, a dynamic force that brings warmth, vitality, and expansion. Join us on a gentle journey as we explore the essence of the rising yang and discover how we can gently embrace and transition into the vibrant energy of this season.
Are You Following The Process of Acupuncture?
Are You Following The Process of Acupuncture?