My passion is working with pregnant woman throughout all stages of their pregnancy. Easing the discomforts that come with each trimester and preparing them for a wonderful labor and postpartum.
Pregnancy Treatment
Chinese medicine can ease a you through the many physical and emotional changes that occur during each trimester of your pregnancy and help to ensure a comfortable and healthy pregnancy.
When you reach your 36th week of pregnancy, weekly acupuncture treatments can help prepare you for a smooth labor by relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, helping the baby lower into position, and alleviating anxiety and stress.
Studies have shown that utilizing this treatment process can help shorten active labor and reduce the need for interventions.
Postpartum Treatment
According to the principles of Chinese medicine, a new mother loses much of her vital energy during childbirth. The post partum period is an important time for her to regain her energy and strength so that she can continue to care for herself and her new baby.
I cannot emphasize the importance of postpartum care. If their was a time to truly take care of yourself, postpartum is the time. Even if you can only niche out 1 treatment a month postpartum, the benefits will be profound. If you feel good, you are able to give the best of yourself to your new baby.