Acupuncture for Peri-Menopause & Menopause
At around the age of 35 years old, women begin to shift into the phase of peri-menopause. This phase can last up to 15 years. Around 50 years old, menstruation often ceases. A woman is considered to be in menopause when she has gone one full year without a period.
Lots of symptoms can arise starting pretty early on in this gradual shift in the sex hormones. Common peri-menopause complaints are longer or shorter cycles, more extreme PMS, irritability, breast tenderness, insomnia. These symptoms can all increase the closer we get to menopause. Cycles may begin to get shorter or further and further apart. Hot flashes and night sweats may begin to be an issue along with vaginal dryness, brain fog and hair loss.
Read more about Recognizing Peri-Menopause: Symptoms, Acupuncture, and Natural Support.
Acupuncture and Herbs can help:
Calm your nervous system to balance your hormones
Greatly reduce hot flashes and night sweats
Regulate Emotions
Improve your sleep
Reduce PMS
Reduce hormonal headaches/migraines
Boost your libido
Help you feel like yourself again